A lesson we can all learn is the lesson of Humility and what Humility means. Many believe they have a servant mentality because they believe in the teachings of Christ as he taught in Matthew 5:3-11. Many fail to remember he practiced his beliefs and showed us how to walk in meekness with love toward others. Jesus demonstrated the meaning of a servant as he washed his disciple’s feet, and when he prayed to the father not to lose one soul. If we could master the servant mentality what a greater organization, community, and church we would become.
Servant leadership is based on Humility
Most people, if they really knew anything about humility, wouldn't like it. That's why so few people are humble. Humility involves dying to oneself -- sacrificing oneself to a higher good or yielding to legitimate authority. Quite often it means doing what you don't want to do. Sometimes it means going down with the ship so that others may live. And always, it means killing the egotistical, self-centered person inside all of us who wants to be comforted, petted and admired.