Friday, December 30, 2011


     A lesson we can all learn is the lesson of Humility and what Humility means. Many believe they have a servant mentality because they believe in the teachings of Christ as he taught in Matthew 5:3-11. Many fail to remember he practiced his beliefs and showed us how to walk in meekness with love toward others. Jesus demonstrated the meaning of a servant as he washed his disciple’s feet, and when he prayed to the father not to lose one soul. If we could master the servant mentality what a greater organization, community, and church we would become.

Servant leadership is based on Humility
Most people, if they really knew anything about humility, wouldn't like it. That's why so few people are humble. Humility involves dying to oneself -- sacrificing oneself to a higher good or yielding to legitimate authority. Quite often it means doing what you don't want to do. Sometimes it means going down with the ship so that others may live. And always, it means killing the egotistical, self-centered person inside all of us who wants to be comforted, petted and admired.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Each born-again believer has something unique to offer the Body of Christ. The success of the Church depends on all of its parts. Everyone in the Local Church should carry the spirit of an Armor Bearer. It is the heart of a servant. To be the greatest in the Kingdom is to be servant to all. In the book God's Armor Bearer II, the authorTerry Nance gives us the keys to stand with our Pastor and other Leaders of the Church to help fulfill God's vision.

So What is an Armor Bearer? An Armor Bearer is one called by God to serve and help his assigned leader in life, ministry, and especially in the fight of faith. In essence, an armor bearer is called to attend to, minister to, care for, help, and be of use, assist, benefit, promote, support, make easy for, nourish, and encourage their Leader. Armor Bearers are not elected but are appointed by the Pastor.
What are the duties of an Armor Bearer? An Armor Bearer does what it takes to serve and support their Pastor and Leadership.
     Operating in the spirit of armor bearing can also be described as operating in the principles or pervading qualities of an armor bearer. The qualities that top the list are servanthood, commitment, attentiveness, support, help, loyalty, and faithfulness. Armor bearing in the attitude of service is not just the performing of humble tasks, but is an effort to serve Christ in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, "The servant of all is the greatest of all." Among my favorite examples, are the great men in the Old Testament scriptures who were faithful armor bearers before their public ministry: King David and his mighty men. Even Elisha and Joshua exemplified the armor bearing spirit in excellence. Nevertheless, in the spiritual realm, we continue to need our armor. The Ephesian writer commands us to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes. Just as much as our early century counterparts, we in the ministry of service are to suit up in the Armor of the Spirit and carry the armor of God's leaders in the battle of faith. The Apostle Paul encouraged us to excel in the gifts that build up the Church. As we in the ministry of helps excel in the gift of service and supporting our leaders, we will come into the unity of faith like never before. When we each take our place and share the load, our men and women in leadership will suffer less weariness and burnout, giving opportunity for a greater refreshing from the Lord. In Philippians 2:3-4, it tells us to “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility and regarding others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.”